Antenna.......What is an antenna?
A Satellite Dish.... | | | | | | | |
First of all we can learn the basic definition of an antenna. An antenna is an Ariel working between free space and the transmitting end and it acts also between the receiver and the free space. In the place of free space we can say wave guides also. Wave guides are one form of guiding structures......There may be number of antennas in this developing world....But the basic antenna starts from a single wire and double wire antennas only....An antenna can also change the light energy in to electromagnetic waves...em waves are nothing but the waves which contain electric and magnetic fields....In the antenna and wave propagation theory there are many many lots and lots of bundles of information about antennas....Because through these wonderful structures only world is communicating in the mean that people are communicating....In the next posts i will clearly explain the basic structures of antennas which could be very useful for exciting minds of electronics and communications....
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